Are You Worried or Worthy??

When I started my business 22 Years ago I wasn’t worried! Someone asked me as I left a 6 figure sales job, do you have a Plan B..the answer was NO. Why would I have a Plan B if I had the gumption to coach, speak and write books?I can honestly say that I was more worried 10 years into my business when the economy tanked in 2008 that I’d make it. Still no plan B except I was willing to do my Rise Above the Chaos work outside of the stage. I then transitioned and became a Patient Advocate assisting Cancer Patients for over a decade. Today with a new book and no more Cancer Patients to tend too full time, I start into each day ready for Worthy Endeavors.A recent documentary on HBO titled: One Nation Under Stress helps me be certain that my decision to Speak and Coach Full  ON is Right Timing.  


An Exclusive Group is starting May 1st and if you live in San Diego, you may want to join us to offset the phenomena of One Nation Under Stress!Here are a few details and click on the link to review the flyer and to reserve your spot.   May 1st, Wednesday Nights Weekly  Rise above the Chaos Coaching GroupLearn necessary  tools in Unexpected Circumstances,  Life Transitions, or for those with Difficulty Slowing Down. We will find new ways to Rise Above the Chaos and Enjoy wherever we are in our Lives.Only 9 spots left, so if you want to join … call 760 741 2762 or email us and we’ll forward the brochure. All I know for sure is WORRY TIME is WASTED TIME.

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