A Day of Healing

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Please Join Us for:

A Day of Healing

Thursday May 20th 2021 • 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Shops on San Pablo • 44850 San Pablo Avenue • Palm Desert CA 92260

This Event is Designed to:

  • Reboot Your Optimism
  • Create a Post-COVID life Strategy for Success
  • Restore, Relax, Renew then Redefine What You Can Do
  • Enjoy a Day to Celebrate Yourself Inside & Out
The first part of the Day is a Trip to Paradise at a VERY Exclusive Retreat Location with Koi Ponds, Palms and Flamingos! After Lunch we go to a FABULOUS Fashion Boutique for Education & Exploration. The day concludes with music and festivities you won’t want to miss!


  • 9:00 am ~ Registration
  • 9:15 am ~ Aerobic Strength Training in Paradise with Lorie Loftis
  • 10:30 am ~ Rise Above the Chaos and Stabilize Your Life with Carolyn Gross
  • 12:30 pm -2:00 pm ~ Lunch
  • 2:00 pm -3:00 pm ~ Opening the Door to Redefine Your NEW Life with Carolyn Gross.
  • 3:00 pm -4:00 pm ~ Fashion FUN for Your NEW Life Boutique Fashion, Reasonably Priced with Lorie Loftis
  • 4:00 pm ~ EVENT CLOSING You’re Invited to Stay for Music and Festivities
  • 4:15 pm – 6:00 pm ~ Entertainment, Karaoke, & FUN

Normally $225 for the day, this post-pandemic Day of Healing is only $75!

  • Includes Lunch & Refreshment
  • Sign up with a Girlfriend at $70 each
  • All Credit Cards Accepted, but space is Limited.
  • Confirm today and prepare for great things to come your way!!!

To Register, call: 760 532 2762

Mail Your Checks to:
Creative Life Solutions
P.O. Box 580912
N. Palm Springs, CA 92258

(760) 741 2762 office
(760) 532 2762 direct

Carolyn Gross

About Your Presenter Carolyn Gross

Carolyn has facilitated retreats for some of the top spas in the world including: The Golden Door, Rancho La Puerta and Hilton Waikaloa. She is an expert in the field of Mind-Body Healing and Immunotherapy with over two decades of experience helping people manage chaos with confidence and gravitate to health.

An Award-Winning Speaker, Executive Coach and Health advocate, she has appeared on NBC, ABC and Lifetime TV. The Author of several wellness books: her latest title Rise Above the Chaos: How to Keep Positive in an Unsettled World is relevant for today’s changed world.  Her multi-faceted approach to managing the sea of change we live in  helps individuals overcome the obstacles they face for personal and professional transformation. Her vast years of coaching offer solutions during challenging times to capitalize and cultivate AMAZING opportunities!

When You Come to the EDGE of all the LIGHT you KNOW and are About to STEP out into the Darkness of the Unknown




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